Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday morning

Pretty quiet night. Managed to get a couple good blocks of sleep. The breathing pain has creeped up a bit, perhaps from doing her breathing exercises as prescribed. Sounds like that thing really exercises those broken ribs.
Spoke to the surgeon (the "cowboy" - more on that in a later post ;-). He's happy with her progress and is going to move her to a private room today. I'll post the hospital info and room number after she's moved.
Thanks again (oops, I mean "mahalo") for the well wishes, etc. If it was emailed to me, her, or posted on FB, she saw it or heard it.
More later....


  1. Progress! Yes! Glad to hear that ICU is in the past.
    A private room? You don't even have that at the resort! ;)
    Thanks for the updates.
    Lots of positive thoughts still coming your way!

  2. Nothing like a Hawaiian cowboy in a white coat. So glad to hear that she's making progress and can move to a private room! Sorry about the breathing pain. When you hear the mantra "no pain, no gain", this sure as hell isn't what they meant, but I guess it applies. Hang in there Karen! We're rooting for you!

  3. So glad to hear things are looking up. The weather is even sad for you here - lashing rain - reminds me of home!

  4. Karen,

    I know you always are so busy with work with no time to relax... this *really* wasn't the best way for you to get a private room with a full nights sleep! ;)

    I'm glad you are moving on up and out of ICU. Keep the updates coming! We all feel so far away.

    It's a big storm here - lots of rain. You might want to take Sinead up on that earlier offer to swing by your home to make sure it's all ok!

  5. Hey Aunt Karen!

    Very very very very relieved to see that things are getting better. A private room huh? V.I.P! You gotta get outta there to watch those Sharks...I hear they're doing pretty good.

    We're all thinking of you and praying for ya here in Pittsburgh. Hang in there!


  6. Yeah...glad to hear it! Thanks for keeping us up to date Joel.
