Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rest of the day, Thurs 10/15

After a whirlwind morning, things were much slowed down the rest of the day. One big milestone: no more tubes. The morphine iv was removed today. She had not used the button since being asked this morning to try and keep off it (need to be able to be off it to be discharged). So she kept off it and is now on pills.
She's getting closer to being able to get out of bed unassisted (also somewhat of a prereq for discharge).
Don't go thinking there's no pain, though. Just a tough Karen, fighting through it.
Today also saw a second visit from Mr "Had-his-Grammy-pulling-her-hair-out-all-morning" (I had my first morning shift today at the hospital today). This went a little better than yesterday, but he still was running around like a Tasmanian devil. This time instead of taking him to the room, we got Karen in a wheelchair and went down to the waiting room, which has a great view of Wailuku Harbor, but no buttons, cords, tubes, etc. Best part was when he gave Mommy a kiss on her injured knee.
The staff has been better since we had that bad night I blogged about earlier. Perhaps we caught them on a bad night.
Tomorrow: dare we use the d-word? Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Karen! I know life is much nicer with morphine, but now that you're off it, you're on your way to recovery on the porch at your beautiful condo! And maybe Riles will settle down once he can kiss your injured knee several times a day=)
