Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 10/18-20

Sorry for the lack of updates, but not alot to write about since discharge on Saturday. Karen's doing a good job gingerly getting around on the cane, but too much walking or standing increases the swelling in her right leg and increases the pain. So she has to walk a fine line between maintaining and increasing her mobility and keeping a lid on the pain. She has pills for the pain, but they only do so much.
Riley has been becoming more of a handful since late last week, throwing tantrums whenever he doesn't get what he wants Right Now. I suppose that's typical 2 year old behavior, but it's happening more often and the effect on his parents and Grammy are magnified being so far away from home and our usual routines. I guess we need to try to form some new routines for him. There's a nice park about 2 miles down the road that we've been hitting in the mornings before naptime, and he enjoys that as there's usually kids his age there. Other than that, he seems most at ease and under control in front of the TV (Noddy, Caillou, and Thomas), which is suboptimal, but any port in a storm I suppose.
Daniel left yesterday evening and Riley and I saw him off at the airport. Riley got to see the plane land, unload, load, and take off so that was a treat. It's a regular flight, so I can see us doing that a few more times.
Today we had to go into the hospital for an xray, and tomorrow we see the attending Dr for a followup. There's a chest CT and followup with the chest surgeon scheduled for the 28th and that's when we expect to get a clearer picture of when we can leave.


  1. Shann says thanks for posting an update...was thinking lots about you and wondering if you had lost your connection to the internet :)

  2. Peppertree misses Riley! Sending you all healthy vibes so you can be cleared for a flight home! Until then Mai Thai's for you and Caillou/Park for Riley! Loving this blog by the way, the teachers are asking us questions and I'm able to give them small updates which is nice.

    Take care! Jennifer

  3. Just a quick note to let you know we are still thinking about you all the time. More legs up the wall poses for you last Monday Karen :) We're really going to miss you all at the pumpkin patch on Saturday - we'll undoubtedly think of Rileykins whenever we spot an odd shaped mini pumpkin kindof growth!! Remember his pet pumpkin last year?? (Smile)

  4. Thinking of you so often! It sounds like it has come down to a lot of pain management...I hope that continues to lessen. We will miss you at the pumpkin patch-you are all thought about so often. Perhaps you can find a pet pumpkin for Riley in HI?? I suppose Sprout TV may just have to substitute. That channel sure can be a godsend. Many positive thoughts to all of you.
