Saturday, October 31, 2009


Flights were uneventful. We upgraded two of our seats to first class so Karen would have more room to stretch out. Riley and I sat back in coach and did fine (key items: car seat, books, a few favorite toys, and portable DVD player).
Karen's brother Daniel picked us up at the airport and her Dad met us at home (with a rose from his garden for Karen :-)
We were greeted at home by our two cats, a restocked fridge, and a big bowl of matzo ball soup (thanks Barb!)
So good to be home.


  1. Yay!!! So glad you guys are home!!! :) We are praying for Karen to continue to get better speedy quick!!! Quicker than the hockey puck can get into the goal!!!!!!!!!!!! :) (I just made that analogy up, by the way!)
    Love you guys bunches!!!

  2. Thanks again so much for the updates Joel. I hope you know how much we appreciate them! Can't wait to see you guys.

  3. Welcome home guys!!!
    Donna, Tom, Jason, Justin, Kaela
