Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday 10/16

The day started bad with the news that there'd be no discharge today, and only a "maybe" for Monday. But it actually ended up as another day of progress. After doing a good job with the walker (specially equipted to deal with the bum right hand and shoulder) she moved on to trying a cane. Did so well she took a couple trips down the hall. Made a trip outside even (in a wheelchair).
Took a shower for the first time in days. As she was coming out of the bathroom and finishing up, the occupational therapist came in, saw this and said "ok, I can see I'm not needed here."
The chest surgeon has given an all clear for release (need to go back in 7-10 days for a CT), so seems the last person to convince is the general surgeon.
Karen's brother Daniel arrived today for a much appreciated visit, and will stay for a couple of days.


  1. Congrats on all the good progress Karen! You are such a trooper! And I had no idea bro was coming in for a visit! That's terrific - hi to Daniel!

  2. Wow. You GO girl.
    And Yeah for Daniel visiting!

  3. Wow! Karen you are making impressive progress! That is totally awesome! :-)
