Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First day on the floor

Moved to a private room this afternoon (Tuesday 10/13) (please note the correction in the previous post re: the room number). Good things: tied up to fewer things beeping and buzzing, a view of the mountains, easier comings and goings for visitors, allowed flowers, etc. Bad things: surly nurses (except for the aide tonight, she's cool), and no sleepovers for Joel. Actually, they're letting me stay tonight, but that's it - after tomorrow we're out of here at 8pm :-(
Physically, still hurts to breathe, but sticking religiously to the 15 sucks per hour on the little floating thing. She sat up in bed and dangled her legs over the side for a while, but got some dizzyness. Not surprising when you've been lying down for over 48 hours. She's off the oxygen but O2 sats are still good, so that's great to see. Still on the push button morphine and the spinal block.
Tomorrow will see a visit from Riley, who is calling for Mommy more and more. We didn't want to bring him into the ICU (not even sure we would've been allowed), what with all the tubes and beepy and buzzy dohickies around. Since it's a 50 minute drive one way to the hospital, were going to get a second rental car for a few days so one of us can be here always, and the other bring in Riley for short visits.
It's so cliche, but the food really sucks. Mom went out for McDonalds this afternoon, it's that bad. I got a look a tonights dinner - some sort of baked ziti thing left over from the local high school cafeteria last week I think. Yikes. It's like they do this stuff on purpose just to make sure you work on getting better just so you can get the heck out of here.


  1. Yay Karen! I'm so proud of you!!! Now get the hell out of there so you can eat some real food!

  2. What Gloria said. You can't wait to eat Poi, right?!

  3. Hey, I always thought the pudding wasn't too bad=)
    Joel - send us the word on Ri's visit. How did he do?
    Karen, if the nurses are surly, you can always have joel poke holes in the pee bag...

  4. Sitting up in bed already is a great sign. Continued best wishes from the City Of Champions.
    Donna, Tom, Jason, Justin, Kaela
